Swivl (Individualized Observation)

I was recently introduced to Swivl's IO platform. I am always looking for technology that will not only benefit my fifth grade classroom, but also benefit me as an educator. Let us face the fact that as educators we are not fond of having people come and observe us other than our principal for our yearly observation. One of the problems of not having more observations is that we never get any feed back from others. As educators, many of us are set in our ways and do the same thing every year thinking that what worked 10 years ago may work today. I understand that in some cases it may, but we also have to realize that the education system is continually changing and our learners are very different from year to year. Using Swivl's IO has allowed me to observe my students as we go through presentations. The video that is attached to this post is using Swivl's IO in a minimum way. Due to technical difficulties in our network infrastructure, I was not able to connect multiple devices to be able to observes my small groups. On the positive side Swivl is working on compatability for Chrombooks, which is what I use in my classroom. I am excited to try using Swivl to its full capacity and allow my device to record me as I teach a lesson and lead classroom discussion to see what areas I can improve on.


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