Scratch:Easy Enough for Kindergarten

Today I was working 1 on 1 with Mr. Alvarez who is a kindergarten student at Shimotsu Elementary. We sat down and worked through several of our Scratch cards. Mr. Alvarez's reading level has not fully developed, but he adapted very well to sight words, and color. He had no problem inputting positive and negative numbers either. Although, he may not fully understand the math or terminology, the use of colors and numbers were simple enough for him to work through the cards and start developing his Scratch skills.

Please click on the link:  Abdiel Using Scratch


  1. Online I'm also known as Xoldier1337 (I'm a Veteran). #KSo🧀 I created to explain how Makey Makey can be used with MIT's Scratch. The idea is for one person to hold "Earth" while the other holds "Space". They need to work together to flap the wings by "High Fiveing" or holding hands, thus creating the game Slappy Bat from one mod.


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